dimarts, 25 d’octubre del 2011


Dins del projecte Voltant pel món,estem preparant un dòmino sobre els mitjans de transport. A la matèria d'anglès, els alumnes han preparat un text amb les instruccions del dòmino. Aqui en teniu un exemple:


Place the dominoes face down on the playing area. Each player receives  4 dominoes.


One player starts the game.  He/ she places 1 domino in the middle of the playing area, picture side up.
In turns, the player also places one domino at the end or at the start of the row of dominoes, joining the ends that have the same picture.
If a player cannot play, he /she picks up another domino from the pile of dominoes.
If this domino coincides with one of the pictures that are being played for, then it can be played.
If not, the round moves on to the next player.
When there are no dominoes left in the pile of dominoes, the playe who cannot play misses a turn and the round moves on to the next player.
The player who manages to play all the dominoes first wins the round.
If the round start/ ends in ’’ a tie ’’ (=nobody can play ), the winner is the player with the least number of dominoes.

Key vocabulary

Player= Jugador
Row=  Fila
Picture= Imatge
Game= Joc